Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan

Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet provides a wide range of health benefits. Research shows that vegetarians suffer less from many of the diseases associated with the typical Western diet, including obesity, coronary heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, diet-related cancers, and constipation and gall stones.
Vegetarian Diets Follow Dietary Guidelines
A typical vegetarian diet reflects most of the dietary recommendations for healthy eating, being low in saturated fat and high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
Balanced Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan
The easiest way to eat a balanced vegetarian weight loss diet is to follow the Vegetarian Food Pyramid. This ensures optimum nutrition and optimum weight loss.
Here are three sets of approximate serving-suggestions for three different calorie requirements: 1200 calories, 1500 calories and 1800 calories.
Food Group
1200 CalorieWeight Loss Diet
1500 CalorieWeight Loss Diet
1800 CalorieWeight Loss Diet
5 servings
6 servings
8 servings
3 servings
3 servings
5 servings
2 servings
3 servings
4 servings
2 servings
2-3 servings
2-3 servings
Dry Beans, Nuts, Seeds, Eggs & Meat Substitutes
Total Fat (30%)
Whatever number of calories you choose for your weight loss plan, diet nutrition is still paramount. Follow these general rules.
*Choose a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and, if eaten, dairy products and eggs. Remember, a healthy vegetarian weight loss diet will help you to lose weight at the fastest possible rate.
*Choose whole, unrefined foods often and minimize intake of highly sweetened, fatty, and heavily refined foods. High-sugar, high-fat vegetarian foods spell weight-gain, not weight-loss.
If animal foods such as dairy products and eggs are eaten, choose lower-fat versions of these foods. Cheeses and other high-fat dairy foods and eggs should be limited in the diet because of their saturated fat content and because their frequent use displaces plant foods in some vegetarian diets. Weight loss means 'light' eating!
*Vegans should include a regular source of vitamin B-12 in their diets along with a source of vitamin D if sun exposure is limited.
If following a 1200 calorie vegetarian weight loss diet, consider taking a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Weight loss diets which contain this level of calories may not provide all your required nutrition.
*Consult a registered dietitian or other qualified nutrition professional BEFORE embarking on a vegetarian weight loss diet, especially during periods of growth, breast-feeding, pregnancy, or recovery from illness.
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