The Fat Flush Plan is both a detox diet and a weight loss diet. The idea is to provide all the necessary ingredients to boost metabolism, reduce water retention, and promote fat loss.
The program has 3 phases:
Phase 1 - 2 weeks This is a restrictive phase of between 1100-1200 calories per day. The intention here is to "lose bloat" - which refers to reducing water retention as well as some fat loss. In this phase you are not allowed to eat; margarine, alcohol, sugar, oils or fats (except flaxseed oil), grains, bread, cereal, starchy vegetables, dairy products. Even the herbs and spices are restricted to a small list.
Phase 2 - Ongoing Here the calorie allowance is lifted - to 1200-1500 calories. The idea is to continue on with the program until the desired weight loss is achieved.
Phase 3 - The maintenance phase Essentially a weight maintenance phase, with a caloric intake of 1500 calories or over. Some starchy carbs are gradually re-introduced, along with gluten-free grains, and some dairy.
Exercise The program contains a significant exercise component. This can be anything from 20 to 40 minutes of exercise per day, depending on the phase. This is typically low-impact (walking). Strength training (lifting weights) is also on the list (twice a week). A sleep prescription of exactly 8 hours per night is also required.
Sample Meal Plan - Fat Flush Phase 1
Upon Waking -"Long Life" cocktail [psyllium husks in water] Before Breakfast - 8 oz hot water with lemon juice Breakfast - Vegetable scramble - 2 scrambled eggs, with spinach, green peppers, scallions, and parsley. 8 oz glass of water [diluted unsweetened cranberry juice]
Snack - 1/2 large grapefruit
20 minutes before lunch - 8 oz glass of water
Lunch - 4 ounces of salmon with lemon and garlic, warm asparagus, mixed-green salad with broccoli florets and cucumber, 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil, and one 8 oz glass of water
Mid afternoon snack - two 8 oz glass of water
4pm Snack - 1 apple
20 minutes before dinner - 8 oz glass of water
Dinner - 4 ounces of grilled lamb chop with pinch of cinnamon and dried mustard, sautéed kale in broth, baked summer squash with a touch of cloves, and 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil Mid evening - "Long life" cocktail
Fat Flush Pros and Cons
The Up side The Fat Flush program has all the elements of a good and healthy weight loss program. Remember this diet is a detox or cleansing diet, thus the very restrictive phase one. Unless healthy eating patterns are applied to your lifestyle, any benefits gained will soon be lost.
The Down side One criticism is that the calorie level in Phase 1 may be too low for some people (particularly men), and the lower calorie levels could have the affect of slowing down metabolism rather than speeding it up. There is a significant exercise portion (which is a good thing) and fortunately the longer exercise is added during phase 3. However there is little chance the calorie levels of phase 1 (or 2) will support a strong exercise regimen.
NOTE: Many medical professionals question the validity of most detox diets as there is little empirical evidence to suggest that any detoxification occurs.
The plan involves a series of small, healthy changes to a person's diet that result in more significant benefits over a period of time rather than drastic measures to meet an expected deadline for weight loss goals.
The Diet Smart Plan is based on the participants’ eating awareness. TDSP is calorie conscious but not concerned with more detailed nutritional aspects such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, points, or good fiber. Keeping the dieter focused on just a few simple aspects, the dieter is more likely to adopt those few healthy habits and make them behaviors rather than overwhelming them with multiple items that lead to frustration and eventually, failure.
TDSP has only three basic guidelines: 1. Participants are asked to stay under a daily caloric intake amount equal to 8 times their body weight to lose weight.Once the dieter approaches their target weight, they increase this to 11 times their body weight (i.e. 11 x body weight in pounds). As in most successful diet plans, limiting calories are the key to weight loss. Having dieters focused on only this guideline promotes success.
2. Participants are asked to eat at least 5 times a day, preferably 6.This guideline prevents overeating at any particular meal and speeds up digestion.
3. Participants are asked to weigh-in in the morning and in the evening.Having a participant monitoring their weight more often keeps the program in their minds and promotes a cycle of success where good habits are rewarded by the participant seeing the result in the scale soon after.
Foods The Diet Smart program categorizes food into 5 groups. The five food categories are:
1. Free Foods Most low-calorie vegetables which the dieter does not count against their daily calorie limit. Because many participants do not eat vegetables at all so this is motivation for them to eat as many as they can. It has been suggested that someone could eat more calories eating free foods and gain weight, but this in reality has not been the case since participants cannot eat the volume of vegetables to gain weight. Most participants did not eat a significant percentage of vegetables in their diet prior to TDSP. In the first few days of the program, many dieters turn to free foods to maintain a full feeling while trying to stay under their daily calorie count. When the dieter does not feel hungry and sees weight loss, the participant changes their perception of diets.
2. Basic Foods Staples such as baked potatoes, rice, fruits, and lean meats. Foods where calories count against the daily calorie limit but the dieter should try to eat as much as possible.
3. Single Portion Foods Foods that are acceptable in reasonable portions such as spaghetti, ice cream, and steaks.
4. Modified Foods Foods that have low-calorie options or can be prepared in lower calorie fashion such as cheeseburgers, fries, and milk.
5. Limited Foods Foods that are not forbidden just should be limited to once a week such as Lasagna.
Sample Meal Plan Breakfast:Medium Banana, Oatmeal Calories 190
Midmorning Snack: Granola Bar, Apple Calories 160
Lunch: 1/4 pd. Cheeseburger (lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard), 2 oz. potato chips, Side salad with raspberry vinaigrette Calories 530
Dinner:6 oz. Chicken tenderloins - grilled, 1 cup green beans medium baked potato with ultra low-calorie butter, carrots Calories 440
After dinner snack:1/2 bag of popcorn Calories 100
Calorie Counting Prior to each meal or snack, participants “research”, or verify the calorie count of foods prior to consumption to ensure that the meal or snack fits within the daily limit providing for flexibility in many situations. After the meal is consumed, calories from items eaten including condiments and other extras to ensure all calories are counted (unless the food is a free food). TDSP is only concerned with the total from the meal, not details from individual items. The participant keeps a running total all day. At the end of the day, the slate is wiped clean and the participant starts again the next day at zero.
Exercise Asking participants to wait to begin an exercise program rather than starting day helps participants readily adopt an exercise program later. Participants begin by focusing on weight loss for six weeks and then begin a regular weight loss program. The loss of weight helps participants exercise more easily and separates the concepts for easier adoption. Participants who did not have a regular exercise regime prior to TDSP are asked to wait until week six to begin a routine.
The Macrobiotic Diet is part of the Far Eastern philosophy of Macrobiotics (literally "Great Life"). Despite a reputation of being nothing but brown rice, there is more to the Macrobiotic Diet than just brown rice. The food guidelines have been evolving over a number of years.
The basic diet is essentially: 50% whole grains 25% seasonal vegetables, cooked or raw. 10% protein foods - such as fish or legumes. 5% sea vegetables 5% soups 5% fruit, nuts, or seeds.
Food should be organically grown and eaten fresh. The Macrobiotic lifestyle also governs how food should be prepared. No microwave should be used - rice must be cooked in a pressure cooker. Food should be eaten and chewed slowly, in a relaxed manner.
What's not allowed? Sugars, spices, alcohol, eggs, meat, and cheese. This has everything to do with the extreme yin and yang properties.
What's good about the Macrobiotic Diet?
The macrobiotic diet is high in natural, unprocessed foods, complex carbohydrates, and vegetables. It is low in saturated fats, whilst providing the essential fats. It could be considered a weight loss diet, due to these factors, and the potential lower calorie count. However Macrobiotics is more of a way of life, than just another weight loss fad. There are a number of claims made about the healing properties of the macrobiotic diet. Conditions such as cancer and heart disease have apparently been aided by this diet. However some claims are unsubstantiated.
Negatives The macrobiotic diet can be fairly strict. Where a diet is strict there is a potential for nutritional deficiencies - particularly calcium and iron.
The diet is effectively a low-fat high-fiber diet. The theory is that a high intake of dietary fiber fills you up quickly, providing the bulk of food without the high calories. Most fiber content passes through the digestive system. In addition it was thought that by chewing high fiber foods, it was easier to detect the body's satiety level.
The staples of the diet are complex carbs, such as whole grains, baked potatoes, and legumes, and lots of fruit and vegetables. Fiber content will obviously be higher than the Recommended Daily Intake of 25-30g. A typical daily calorie count for the diet would be around the 1250 mark.
Breakfast Cereal/fruit mix with low fat milk Piece of fresh fruit
Drinks Calorie-free drinks, tea, and coffee with low fat milk
Weight loss will probably occur simply because of the low calories involved. High fiber diets also have some positive health aspects. However, because of the high carbohydrate content, many people may find fluid retention and bloating to be a problem.
The premise behind the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet is that most overweight people are addicted to carbohydrates. The author claims that most people fail to metabolize carbohydrates correctly, causing an imbalance of insulin levels. The elevated insulin levels cause a craving for food throughout the day.
Addiction to Carbohydrates? Like the basis of many modern diet plans and books, the foundation, or basis, is faulty. Causes of obesity are many, and can be complex. Although the simplest explanation will probably suffice - growing portion size, sedentary occupations, and processed foods. The author claims that most overweight adults see themselves as carbohydrate addicts, although like many statistics, this needs further scrutiny.
Carbohydrate Addicts Eating Plan
The carbohydrate addict diet is unusual, but at its foundation is a reduction of carbohydrate intake. The rules are strict, with the diet providing a long list of foods that are on the "allowed" list. Anything not in this list must be avoided.
Just to confuse the issue, the day is split into 2 main meals - 2 meals are made up of a protein source (fish, poultry, and lean red meat) and fibrous vegetables. The 3rd meal is called the "reward" meal - this can be anything you want, but you should aim for a balance of 1/3 carbohydrate, 1/3 protein, and 1/3 fibrous (non-starchy vegetables). This reward meal must be consumed inside 1 hour.
The diet begins with a restricted 2 week phase, but then goes into a variety of eating plans - depending on whether you are maintaining or losing more weight.
The Carb Addicts diet has a curious nutritional balance, based on a questionable theory.The strict rules do little to increase our understanding of nutrition and our own bodies. The idea of a reward meal seems implies that you are either good or naughty - once again, such diets are difficult to sustain over the long term.
Many people have found success with this plan, but could be more to do with a reduction in calories over two main meals, rather than any magic formula.
It is worth noting that there are some good points to be gleaned. Generally, we do eat too much processed carbohydrate (white flours, bakery foods, white rice and pasta, etc). This must surely be a contributor to obesity problems - but does not mean that all carbs are the enemy.
Bill Phillips' Body for Life is about losing fat and gaining muscle - and having a diet that doesn't leave you feeling tired or fatigued.
The typical BFL diet consists of 5-6 meals per day. Portion size is emphasized rather than calorie counts. A typical meal might consist of one portion of protein, and one portion of carbohydrate. For one day each week you are allowed to 'cheat' and eat your favorite foods.
The exercise program is essential to Body for Life. This includes 20 minutes 3 times per week of aerobic exercise, and lifting weights for 3 times a week (45 minutes per session).
The Body for Life program is sensible in all aspects. It is not a very low calorie plan, and has a substantial exercise component. You will need to restructure your life to follow this (maybe that's why its called Body for Life!). You will need to have considerable motivation to succeed, be prepared to work hard, and fat loss would be in the region of 1-2 pounds per week (if you are currently overweight).
Following the diet (6 meals per day) can be difficult, and the author suggests supplements. Protein shakes (such as Myoplex) certainly have their place (particularly in a regime with 3-6 meals per day). Shakes, bars, and Ready-to-Drinks are a convenient way to supply your body with the nutrients - but are never a replacement for real food.
Sample Meal Plan This is a typical 1,700 calorie meal plan from the Eating For Life program.
BREAKFAST 2 cup scrambled Eggs 1 piece multi-grain toast with 1 teaspoon natural peanut butter 1 small apple 1 small banana
SNACK Myoplex Lite Ready-to-Drink
LUNCH 2 ounces of fresh deli cut turkey breast 1 tablespoon regular mayonnaise 2 slices of multi-grain bread 1 cup fresh baby carrots 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
MID-AFTERNOON SNACK Myoplex Lite Nutrition Bar
DINNER 1 medium roasted, skinless chicken breast 1 cup lentil soup 2 celery sticks with non-fat cream cheese
A blood type diet is a nutrition plan based around your blood type. Most of the population has blood type O. Here the prescribed diet is low-carbohydrate, high in proteins (such as meat and fish), and low in dairy products. The author suggests specific foods to avoid; such as avocados, brazil’s nuts, and oranges. Type O should also engage in lots of exercise.
Blood Type A should avoid red meat; eat plenty of fish and vegetables, with a low dairy intake. Light exercise only.
Blood Type B should avoid chicken and bacon; eat plenty of meat and dairy, some fish, and plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Blood Type AB combines the A and B diets.
Is This Diet For Real?
The author claims that much of the recommendations are based on scientific evidence - but perhaps it is too early to make this claim. Metabolism and/or sugar/insulin sensitivity are probably key factors in deciding diet - not blood type. Two people can have very different metabolisms and have the same blood type. One could be sensitive to carbohydrates or sugar, whilst the other needs a high carbohydrate diet. Weight loss and other health improvements may occur on this diet - not so much because of blood type combinations, but because of a healthier diet! The author encourages people to cut down on processed and refined foods. Good advice for anyone regardless of blood type.
Sample Meal Plans for the Blood Type Diet
Type B Menu
Breakfast Fluidizer cocktail Rice bran cereal with banana and skim milk Grape juice
Lunch Sandwich - thin slice of cheese, thin slice of turkey breast, two slices of bread, mustard or mayonnaise Green saladHerbal tea SnackFruit juice sweetened yogurt Herbal tea
Dinner Broiled Fish with steamed vegetables Fresh fruit Herbal tea or coffee
Type O Menu
Breakfast 2 slices toasted Ezekiel bread with butter 6 ounces vegetable juice Banana Herbal tea
Lunch Organic Roast Beef Spinach SaladA pple or pineapple slices Water
Snack 1 slice of cake Herbal tea
Dinner Lamb and asparagus stew, steamed broccoli, sweet potato. Mixed fresh fruit Herbal tea (beer or wine allowed)
Type A Menu
Breakfast Water with lemon Oatmeal with soy milk and maple syrup Grapefruit juice Coffee or herbal tea
The diet is based on a theory that the body needs the enzymes found in certain foods in order to digest the food properly. The author believes that when food isn't digested, it turns to body fat. A strange belief because the body cannot metabolize the food until it has first been digested!
The Beverly Hills Diet Plan
The diet is based on a food combining principle (called conscious-combining). The main food group of the diet is fruit, but the diet has vegetable-only days, fruit-only days, and other days when some starchy carbohydrate is allowed.
Breakfast 8oz prunes
Lunch Unlimited strawberries
Dinner Baked potato
Drinks Water, coffee, or tea.
Diet Summary This diet is dangerously low in daily calories (about 800), and also low in proteins, and many many other nutrients. The theory behind is completely unproven, and fantastical. The promised weight loss is 15 pounds in 35 days. It would be very difficult to sustain such a diet without become deficient in certain nutrients, or simply putting the weight back on after the diet.
For many years most athletes, fitness models, and bodybuilders have applied the same basic fundamentals to their diet. Principles like eating often (5-6 times per day), building muscle, eating lean proteins, and aiming to eat whole unrefined carbs. Sadly many dieters have failed to take note of these techniques, often believing that calorie restriction is the only way to lose weight.
Hidden under the glossy marketing-speak in the Abs Diet, you will find sensible and workable ideas for fat loss. Having visible abdominal muscles is about attaining very low levels of fat - rather than any magic diet, special exercise, or special piece of equipment.
The Abs diet contains a 7 day meal plan, made up of 12 'power foods', along with recipes. One meal per week is designated as a 'cheat' meal - where you eat anything you want. The book advises avoiding foods like fatty meats, processed/refined carbs, and high-sugar foods.
The Power 12 Foods
1) Almonds and Other Nuts eaten with skins intact 2) Beans and Other Legumes 3) Spinach and Other Green Vegetables 4) Dairy: Fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese 5) Instant Oatmeal: Unsweetened, unflavored 6) Eggs 7) Turkey and other lean meats. Lean steak, chicken, fish 8) Peanut Butter - All-natural, sugar-free. 9) Olive Oil 10) Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals 11) Extra-Protein (Whey) Powder 12) Raspberries and Other Berries
Cardio and Weights
Essential to the diet program is strength and interval training. This is based on the premise that building muscle increases metabolism which will assist in burning fat.
Conclusion The Abs Diet pretends to be something new. However it is simply a basic guide to strength training, good nutrition, and exercise. It does provide good sensible nutritional advice, but I feel there are better choices out there.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a 7 day meal plan, aimed at achieving fast weight loss. It is not a long-term weight loss solution, but is known to be effective over the short term. Apparently it originally came from a hospital (Sacred Hearts Hospital) to stimulate weight loss for surgery patients - but this cannot be verified.
Pros -Fast weight loss -The change from some of our normally junky eating habits can be beneficial -Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower have been found to aid in preventing cancer. Many say they enjoy eating the soup
Cons -Some complain that the Cabbage Soup a little too bland. -Be prepared for gas -Requires will power -Lacks good nutrition -High in salt. -Not a long-term answer
Cabbage Soup Diet Plan
Day 1 Homemade cabbage soup plus any fruit, apart from bananas.
Day 2 Homemade cabbage soup, plus other vegetables, including a baked potato with butter for dinner (potatoes are off-limits on other days)
Day 3 Homemade cabbage soup, plus other fruits and vegetables.
Day 4 Homemade cabbage soup, plus anything up to 6 bananas and fat-free milk.
Day 5 Homemade cabbage soup, plus 6 tomatoes and up to 450 grams of meat or fish.
Day 6 Homemade cabbage soup, plus meat (beef) and vegetables.
Day 7 Homemade cabbage soup, plus brown rice, pure fruit juice, and vegetables.
No bread, carbonated beverages, or alcohol.
Cabbage Soup Recipe
6 large green onions 2 green peppers 1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole) 1 bunch celery 1/2 head cabbage 1 package Onion Soup Mix 1 or 2 cubes bouillon (optional) 1 48 oz. can V8 Juice (optional) Season to taste (salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc).
Note: There are a number of variations to this recipe.
The biggest drawback of the Cabbage Soup diet plan is the absolute monotony of eating cabbage soup. However some diets basically look at the nutritional properties of the cabbage soup diet, and make it more interesting by combining other foods that have the same effect. There are also serious concerns regarding the nutritional quality of this diet. On many days the diet is low in protein, calcium, and essential fatty acids. There also high levels of sodium or MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).
Weight loss will probably occur due to the low calorie intake.
The Grapefruit Diet is a weight loss diet built solely around the humble grapefruit.
The idea that a single item of food has miraculous weight loss properties seems a farce. The grapefruit is a marvelous fruit - a natural simple carbohydrate high in fibre and vitamin C. But to use it as the sole foundation of a weight loss program is unwise.
Grapefruit Diet - Meal Plan
12 days on - 2 days off Breakfast 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) 2 Eggs (any style) 2 Slices Bacon
Lunch 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) Salad (any kind of dressing)
Dinner 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) (fish may be substituted for meat) Vegetables (any green, yellow, or red vegetables cooked in butter or any seasoning)
Bed Time Snack 1 glass tomato juice or 1 glass Skim milk
Vegetables Allowed Red onions, green onions, bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, and peas.
Vegetables to Avoid White onions, potatoes and celery.
-At any meal you may eat until you are full - until you can't eat any more. -Don't eliminate anything from the diet, especially don't skip bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burn fat. -The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. -Cut down on caffeine- it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup per meal at mealtime. -Don't eat between meals. If you eat the combination of food suggested you will not be hungry. -Note that the diet completely eliminates sugar and starches, which are lipids and form fat. Fat doesn't form fat; it helps burn it. You can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables. -Do not eat desserts, bread, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad, or vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat of the proper combination of food, the more you lose.
The South Beach Diet plan was created by cardiologist Dr Arthur Agatston based at Mount Sinai Hospital - in South Florida. The diet was originally developed for overweight heart patients. The patients experienced excellent results, not only in their general health but also lost weight.
The diet is becoming known as the "healthy" version of the Atkins diet. This diet is good - very good, and includes foods such as whole grains, healthy fats, fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables.
South Beach Diet Plan Overview
Three Phases The South Beach Diet begins with a somewhat restricted two-week induction phase - generally producing weight loss of 8 to 13 pounds. In this phase most carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta, and breads) must be avoided. There are three meals a day and snacks - eating until your hunger is satisfied. Meats, shellfish, chicken, turkey, and fish are all on the menu - along with nuts, cheese (fat-free), eggs, salads, and vegetables.
There are two subsequent phases that include specific meal plans and recipes. The second phase reintroduces some of the foods avoided in Phase 1 - but only sparingly. In this phase weight loss should be in the region of 1-2 pounds per week. The third phase is about living the lifestyle more than a phase - its about eating healthy foods, and maintaining weight.
This is NOT Atkins. Although the South Beach Diet may seem similar to the Atkins diet or the Zone diet, it is not a strictly low-carb diet. It's all about balancing the good carbs against the "bad" carbs. Although when looking at the first 14-day phase - there is no doubt that this is a low-carb phase.
South Beach Diet Phase 1
Breakfast Tomato juice, 6 oz Scrambled eggs with fresh herbs and mushrooms Bacon, 2 slices Decaf coffee or decaf tea with fat-free milk and sugar substitute
Snack Part-skim mozzarella cheese stick
Lunch Chicken Caesar salad (no croutons) Prepared Caesar dressing, 2 Tbsp
Snack Low-fat cottage cheese (½ cup) with ½ cup chopped tomatoes and cucumbers
Breakfast Berry smoothie (8 oz Dannon Light fruit-flavored yogurt, ½ cup berries, ½ cup crushed ice, blended) Decaf coffee or decaf tea with fat-free milk and sugar substitute
Snack 1 hard-boiled egg
Lunch Lemon Couscous Chicken Tomato and cucumber slices
Snack Dannon Light yogurt, 4 oz
Dinner Meat Loaf Steamed asparagus Mushrooms sautéed in olive oil Sliced onion and tomato with drizzled olive oil Dessert - Sliced cantaloupe with 2 Tbsp ricotta cheese
Phase 3
Breakfast ½ grapefruit 2 eggs scrambled with shredded cheese Whole grain toast, 1 slice Decaf coffee or decaf tea with fat-free milk and sugar substitute
Lunch Roast Beef Wrap Nectarine
Dinner Grilled salmon with tomato salsa Tossed salad (mixed greens, cucumbers, green bell peppers, cherry tomatoes) Olive oil and vinegar to taste or 2 Tbsp low-sugar prepared dressing Dessert - Chocolate Dipped Apricots
South Beach Diet Summary The South Beach Diet is nutritionally sound; however the more expensive food items could make the cost difficult to meet for some. Unfortunately good nutritious foods do tend to cost more than their highly-processed counterparts. The principles of eating in balance, little-and-often, low-GI carbs are all included in the South Beach. Despite some feeling that the diet is a fashion, it has had a major positive impact on the eating habits of millions.
A low-protein diet is any diet in which the protein intake is reduced. Anyone diagnosed with kidney or liver disease may be prescribed a low-protein diet. In any case, a diet which is especially low in protein should only be undertaken under medical direction. Low protein diets (4-8% protein) are used routinely to treat patients with liver disease, kidney (renal) failure, and disorders involving the urea cycle, the metabolism, and amino acids.
How is a low-protein diet achieved?
Some of each type of protein should still be consumed each day from the two main sources: * Animal products (fish, poultry, eggs, meat, dairy products) - considered high quality or complete protein. * Vegetable products (breads, cereals, rice, pasta, dried beans) - considered low quality or incomplete protein.
To reduce the amount of protein consumed, protein foods in recipes can be 'stretched' (to consume less) or reduced as against more of the low- or non-protein foods (less in proportion), making a smaller amount seem just as satisfying.
Sandwiches Use thinly sliced meats. Fill with salad items like lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, chopped celery, apple, parsley or water chestnuts.
Soups Use lower protein foods (milk substitutes for cream soups, or rice or pasta) to make soups as filling but with less protein.
Main Dishes Make the main dish of vegetables and grains, and treat meat as the side dish to your meal. Use small pieces of meat and more vegetables in kebabs. Make fried rice with vegetables and use less meat or shrimp. For salads use crisp, fresh vegetables and only a few small strips of meat and egg. For casseroles, reduce the amount of meat and increase the starch, pasta or rice. In recipes using soup, use a low sodium mix. Use low-protein pastas and breads in the diet. For cheeses, use smaller amounts of stronger-tasting cheeses (sharp cheddar, parmesan or romano) for plenty of flavor.
Boost calories to compensate Decreasing protein in the diet may also mean a reduction in calories. To compensate so as to maintain a healthy weight, increase calories by substituting or adding certain ingredients with minimal protein content, such as: * Increase heart-healthy fats like polyunsaturated vegetable oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, and soybean or sunflower oils), olive oil, and mayonnaise-type salad dressings. * Use candy and sweeteners (hard candy, gum drops, jelly beans, marshmallows, honey, jam and jelly - even sugar (diabetics need medical advice). * Use canned fruits in heavy syrup.
Sample low protein menu
Breakfast Cheerios cereal or equivalent ¾ cup non-dairy creamer ½ cup ½ medium banana orange juice ½ cup
Snack 1 cherry fruit roll up
Lunch 2 slices white bread turkey breast 1 oz/28 g lettuce tomato ½ cup green beans ½ cup mayonnaise 3 tsp 1 medium apple fruit punch 4 fl oz/118 ml
Snack 1 popsicle
Dinner lean hamburger 2 oz/56 g white rice ½ cup broccoli ¼ cup cauliflower ¼ cup tossed salad with 2 Tbsp ranch dressing pineapple ½ cup
The main component of the Atkins diet is a severe restriction of carbohydrate intake. This includes foods with sugar, bread, cereal, some starchy vegetables and pasta.
Weight loss on the Atkins diet is based on the process of Ketosis:First, the main source of energy for our bodies is carbohydrates. When we have fewer carbs in our body, it must look elsewhere for another source of energy. Next in line is stored body fat. Thus, reducing carbs forces the body to burn fat. This process is called Ketosis. Secondly, carbs stimulate the creation of insulin. Insulin is what converts excess carbs to fat. So when you have less carbs you have less insulin and therefore create less new fat.
Eat all you want? There is no restriction on portion size, and the Atkins dieter can eat a whole range of low-carb foods including chicken, steak, shellfish, pork chops, eggs, duck, turkey - any kind of meat, wonderful salads, cheeses, fatty salad dressings, some nuts, and of course the Atkins barsand shakes.
High Fat - High Protein One of the most controversial issues with Atkins is that it is a high-fat diet. Most government health agencies recommend no more than 30% fat in our diet - yet with Atkins you can easily consume more fat than this. Atkins is not just low carb it is very low carb. It is difficult to see how a person could maintain healthy muscle mass on a diet such as this. In addition to this, one must question how healthy the process of Ketosis is. In the short term it may have the desired effect - but in the long term? Some suggest that certain organs may be overworked to sustain the process of Ketosis.
If you are thinking of beginning this diet, I strongly encourage you to consult with your health professional.
Like any weight loss or diet plan, the best vegetarian weight loss diet is a balanced eating plan, because losing weight is easiest when your body is healthy and well nourished.
Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet A vegetarian diet provides a wide range of health benefits. Research shows that vegetarians suffer less from many of the diseases associated with the typical Western diet, including obesity, coronary heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, diet-related cancers, and constipation and gall stones.
Vegetarian Diets Follow Dietary Guidelines A typical vegetarian diet reflects most of the dietary recommendations for healthy eating, being low in saturated fat and high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
Balanced Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan The easiest way to eat a balanced vegetarian weight loss diet is to follow the Vegetarian Food Pyramid. This ensures optimum nutrition and optimum weight loss.
Here are three sets of approximate serving-suggestions for three different calorie requirements: 1200 calories, 1500 calories and 1800 calories.
Food Group 1200 CalorieWeight Loss Diet 1500 CalorieWeight Loss Diet 1800 CalorieWeight Loss Diet
Whatever number of calories you choose for your weight loss plan, diet nutrition is still paramount. Follow these general rules.
*Choose a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and, if eaten, dairy products and eggs. Remember, a healthy vegetarian weight loss diet will help you to lose weight at the fastest possible rate. *Choose whole, unrefined foods often and minimize intake of highly sweetened, fatty, and heavily refined foods. High-sugar, high-fat vegetarian foods spell weight-gain, not weight-loss. If animal foods such as dairy products and eggs are eaten, choose lower-fat versions of these foods. Cheeses and other high-fat dairy foods and eggs should be limited in the diet because of their saturated fat content and because their frequent use displaces plant foods in some vegetarian diets. Weight loss means 'light' eating! *Vegans should include a regular source of vitamin B-12 in their diets along with a source of vitamin D if sun exposure is limited. If following a 1200 calorie vegetarian weight loss diet, consider taking a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Weight loss diets which contain this level of calories may not provide all your required nutrition. *Consult a registered dietitian or other qualified nutrition professional BEFORE embarking on a vegetarian weight loss diet, especially during periods of growth, breast-feeding, pregnancy, or recovery from illness.
There are many truths about losing weight. One truth about calories is: they don't explain everything, but they still count depending on body size, activity level and sex. Most adults need to consume 2000 to 3000 calories per day. Establishing an enjoyable exercise routine is just as important as establishing an enjoyable menu when it comes to losing weight and feeling great. While getting the calories in line is important for weight loss, most people regain weight not because of calories, but because they don't really like their diet, or because they get bored with their choices, or because the food stops tasting good. Sometimes when the excitement of losing weight wears off, the diet just becomes less interesting.