
Fat Smash Diet

The principle behind the name is that you achieve your weight-loss goals by smashing bad habits and misconceptions about diet. The diet follows a 90 day program in 4 phases - detox, foundation, construction, and the temple.
The Fat Smash Diet is a great plan for developing healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, to promote fat loss and maintain a healthy weight. This is a simple diet program, manageable and by all accounts helpful...more


Elimination Diets

Elimination or allergy diets are used to isolate food allergies or food sensitivity. The basic elimination diet first removes all potential food allergens from the diet, and then re-introduces these foods one at a time...more


Anti-Aging Diet & Calorie Restriction

Calorie Restriction is the process of limiting caloric intake with the intention of slowing down aging. Some people refer to the concept as an anti aging diet. Research into Calorie Restriction has continued for many years - concluding that the lifespan of many animals is extended when calorie intake is restricted.

The difficulty of Calorie Restriction is that sufficient nutrition (vitamins and minerals) must be maintained while lowering energy intake as much as possible...more

Lemonade Diet (The Master Cleanser)

The lemonade diet is a detoxification program written by the Stanley Burroughs. The diet - called the "The Master Cleanser" was written in the 1940s and continues to be popular to this day.

This dietary regime is strictly a cleansing diet. Weight loss will occur, but it is not to be equated with fat loss. Much of the weight that is lost will be from fluid and water retention. Without a doubt, at least 1/2 the weight will come back on after completing the diet. Many people incorrectly use this for fast weight loss. This is not what the diet is intended for...more

Raw Food Diets

There are a number of diet plan based on raw foods. Generally these diets are plant-based, and are comprised of at least 75% raw food. Apparently raw foods contain the enzymes that are thought to be removed during the cooking process.

A Raw Food diet is generally made up fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and grains, dried fruit and juices, rolled or flaked grains, herbs and spices...more


Sacred Heart Diet

The Sacred Heart diet is a soup-based diet, and claims that you will lose 10-17 pounds in the first week.
Day 1
Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today....

3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet is one of the most popular short-term fad diets around today. Many people adopt the diet to try and achieve short-term weight loss. The 3 Day Diet is simply a low calorie diet. There is nothing magical - no mystical chemical reaction that goes on (as some seem to think). Weight loss is due to a sudden drop in calories ...more

Negative Calorie Diet

Green vegetables are low in calories. You can eat a lot of them without getting fat - yet at the same time the fibrous content can 'fill you up'. There are some green vegetables in particular that are very low in calories. Proponents of the Negative Calorie Diet suggest that eating a stick of celery (5 calories) will burn up 95 calories....more

Neanderthin Diet Plan

The simple explanation of the diet, is that only raw food should be eaten, - and only those foods that were eaten in the Paleolithic age. Neanderthin has been called a low-carb diet by some. Grains (oats, barley, wheat, rye, etc) are completely out - as are all refined carbohydrates and sugars. ...more

Mayo Clinic Plan

The Mayo Clinic Plan is a great diet, designed by medical professionals from a reputable health institute. The Mayo Clinic Plan promotes a nutritious diet of fruit and vegetables with starchy carbs and then proteins and dairy, and is based on the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid...more

Hilton Head Metabolism Diet

The Hilton Head Metabolism Diet derives from observation, and evidence from subsequent study, that a person's metabolism burns 70% of all daily calories - the remainder is burned through physical activity. This program works by changing your body chemistry to burn fat naturally, so that even though you eat five times a day the weight will drop off...more

Glycemic Impact Diet

The Glycemic Impact Diet is one of the few popular diets to come along that is truly sensible and possible to follow for one's entire life. It also lacks many of the excessive "foods to avoid" that so many diets have. This is a very good diet...more

Liquid Diet

A liquid diet consists of juices replacing every meal. Nutritionally this will provide virtually no protein or fat, and few calories. A Juice Fast should not be used as a weight loss technique. It is better to eat the fruit and vegetables whole - and therefore gain the fiber, and the increased metabolism resulting from digesting the whole food.... more

Diet Smart Plan

The plan involves a series of small, healthy changes to a person's diet that result in more significant benefits over a period of time rather than drastic measures to meet an expected deadline for weight loss goals...more

Fat Flush - Detox and Weight Loss Plan

The Fat Flush Plan is both a detox diet and a weight loss diet. The idea is to provide all the necessary ingredients to boost metabolism, reduce water retention, and promote fat loss. The program has 3 phases...more

Microbiotic Diet

The macrobiotic diet is high in natural, unprocessed foods, complex carbohydrates, and vegetables. It is low in saturated fats, whilst providing the essential fats. Despite a reputation of being nothing but brown rice, there is more to the Macrobiotic Diet than just brown rice. ..more

F-Plan Weight Loss Diet

The diet is effectively a low-fat high-fiber diet. The theory is that a high intake of dietary fiber fills you up quickly, providing the bulk of food without the high calories. The staples of the diet are complex carbs, such as whole grains, baked potatoes, and legumes, and lots of fruit and vegetables....more

Carbohydrate Addicts Diet

The carbohydrate addict diet is unusual, but at its foundation is a reduction of carbohydrate intake. The rules are strict, with the diet providing a long list of foods that are on the "allowed" list. Anything not in this list must be avoided...more

Body for Life

Body for life is about losing fat and gaining muscle - and having a diet that doesn't leave you feeling tired or fatigued. The typical BFL diet consists of 5-6 meals per day. Portion size is emphasized rather than calorie counts. ...more

Blood Type Diet

A blood type diet is a nutrition plan based around your blood type. Weight loss and other health improvements may occur on this diet ...more

Beverly Hills Diet

The diet is based on a food combining principle (called conscious-combining). The main food group of the diet is fruit, but the diet has vegetable-only days, fruit-only days, and other days when some starchy carbohydrate is allowed...more

Abs Diet

For many years most athletes, fitness models, and bodybuilders have applied the same basic fundamentals to their diet. Principles like eating often (5-6 times per day), building muscle, eating lean proteins, and aiming to eat whole unrefined carbs...more

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a 7 day meal plan, aimed at achieving fast weight loss. It is not a long-term weight loss solution, but is known to be effective over the short term ...more

Grapefruit Diet

The Grapefruit Diet is a weight loss diet built solely around the humble grapefruit...more

South Beach Diet

The diet is becoming known as the "healthy" version of the Atkins diet. This diet is good - very good, and includes foods such as whole grains, healthy fats, fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables...more

Atkins Diet

The main component of the Atkins diet is a severe restriction of carbohydrate intake. This includes foods with sugar, bread, cereal, some starchy vegetables and pasta...more

Low Protein Diets

A low-protein diet is any diet in which the protein intake is reduced. Anyone diagnosed with kidney or liver disease may be prescribed a low-protein diet. In any case, a diet which is especially low in protein should only be undertaken under medical direction...more

Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan

A vegetarian diet provides a wide range of health benefits. Research shows that vegetarians suffer less from many of the diseases associated with the typical Western diet...more


Brazilian Bikini Body Program

The Brazilian Bikini Body Program is the creation of fitness professional Regina Joseph who shares with readers her advice on how to eat and exercise the Brazilian way. She created it as a lifestyle plan that would allow her to eat normally but also keep her body fit and strong.

Author claims that her program will increase energy and produce fat loss while sculpting the body so that dieters will be bikini ready in 30 days.
She outlines the Brazilian way of eating and highlights Brazilian superfoods to boost nutrition and offers dieters a fun way to exercise with a combination of Pilates and the Brazilian martial art, capoeira.

Joseph places a great deal of emphasis on the reduction of stress by adopting the Brazilian approach to life of passion and joy.

Diet Basics

This is not a low carbohydrate plan however grains are limited to small portions and the majority of carbohydrates are obtained from fruit and vegetables. There is also a small dessert offering on the daily menu. Dairy products are not completely eliminated but are very limited.

The emphasis is on fresh foods with fruit smoothies and juices, vegetable salads, grilled seafood and meat with the addition of nuts and legumes to round out the meal plans.

Recommended Foods

The Brazilian superfood acai berry is the foundation of the diet and is recommended in abundance because it is very high in antioxidants, dietary fiber and healthy fats. Cashews, Brazil nuts and coconuts are other Brazilian foods that are recommended.

Sample Diet Plan

Acai smoothie

Morning Snack
Coconut water

Miso soup and lentil salad

Afternoon Snack
Honey nut crumble

Fried fish
Broccoli and cauliflower with spinach sauce
Dessert: prune compote

Exercise Recommendations

The combination of Capoeira and Pilates exercises will provide a balanced fitness program that includes cardiovascular, muscle strengthening and flexibility. Workout plans of 10, 30 and 60 minute duration is included as well as tips for those new to exercise or with injuries.

-Promotes a positive body image and attitude that may alleviate obsession with achieving an unnaturally low body weight.
-Meals are nutritious and flavorful and will probably appeal to most people who don’t like regular diet foods.
-Emphasizes fruit and vegetables.
-Addresses psychological factors involved in achieving success with weight loss.

-The Brazilian superfoods may be difficult to find locally.
-Not easily adaptable to vegetarians.
-Readers who do not relate to the Brazilian culture may not find the plan appealing.
-Appears directed mostly toward female dieters.


Although it is important for dieters to realize that achieving the ideal bikini body in just 30 days is unrealistic, this program is actually quite a well-rounded plan that will produce results when maintained over the long term.

The exercise plan is very unique and provides a balance of cardiovascular, muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises. This should assist with muscle sculpting to improve body shape rather than just focusing on fat loss as many other diet plans tend to do.

The nutritional aspect of the program is very sound and will promote a high intake of nutrients through a wide variety of healthy foods. It seems highly likely that most dieters will respond well to this plan with results not only in regard to fat loss but also improvements in their general health and vitality.

MediterrAsian Diet

The MediterrAsian Way is an eating program that highlights the best features of both the Mediterranean and Asian diets and lifestyles in regard to their beneficial effects on health and weight management. The authors attract dieters with the promise of being able to eat delicious foods such as pizza, noodles, sushi, and curries ‘all washed down with a glass of your favorite wine or beer’. They state that this way of eating will not only help dieters to stay lean and healthy but will also reduce the risk of many diseases and may actually increase lifespan.

Diet Basics

There are many similarities between Mediterranean and Asian cultures and a bulk of scientific evidence indicates that these factors are probably responsible for the superior health of cultures that eat in accordance with traditional dietary practices.

-They consume a large amount of plant foods including grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts.
-Fish is included in the diet on a regular basis.
-The majority of the fat in the diet comes from vegetable or fish oils.
-Consumption of red meat and animal fats is low.
-Alcohol is consumed often in moderation and usually with meals.
-They have physically active lifestyles.
-They have a strong social support system, an optimistic outlook, and always set aside some time each day for relaxation.

Calorie counts for the suggested meals work out to about half that of a typical Western style meal. The portions are generous; however, the inclusion of a large amount of fruit and vegetables means that the calories remain relatively low while the nutritional quality is high.

Recommended Foods

Whole grain carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, avocado, olive or vegetable oils, lean poultry, seafood, and tea.
Alcohol in the form of wine or beer is allowed in moderation.

Sample Diet Plan

Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk and raisins
Morning Snack: Raw almonds
Lunch: Greek salad pita pockets2 apricots
Afternoon Snack: Small bunch of grapes
Dinner: Sicilian Tuna and Basil Pizza, 1 glass red wine
Evening Snack: 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup yogurt

Exercise Recommendations

The Mediterranean and Asian lifestyles generally involve a lot of activity and exercise is promoted as a way to improve health by strengthening the heart and boosting immunity as well as for weight loss.

Dieters are encouraged to increase activity in their daily lives wherever possible such as walking the dog, playing with their children in the park, or doing some gardening. For those who prefer a more structured program, activities such as tennis, golf, martial arts, tai chi, or yoga are suggested.

-Strongly supported by research
-Encourages the intake of a wide variety of nourishing unprocessed foods.
-Meals are balanced with a mix of fruit, vegetables, low glycemic carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.
-The large amount of variety in the will alleviate dietary boredom while also promoting the intake of a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals.
-Emphasizes the importance of physical activity and stress management for health and weight management.
-Can be maintained as a healthy lifestyle eating program.

-Encourages the intake of processed soy food, which does not reflect the philosophy of adhering to traditional dietary practices.
-Overemphasizes the consumption of carbohydrates such as cereals, bread, pasta, and rice.


There is certainly a large amount of scientific evidence to support this style of eating and in particular it may be suited to those with a history or risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, even many of these dieters will not respond well to the high carbohydrate content of the diet particularly in the form of grains such as bread, pasta, and rice.

The strength of this program is in the way it considers factors such as physical activity and stress management as being of utmost importance to health and weight loss, rather than just looking at the dietary aspects. For dieters who respond well to this way of eating this program may be maintained as a beneficial healthy lifestyle plan.

Five Factor Diet

5-factor diet is based around the factor 5: 5 meals a day, 5 workouts a week of 5 exercises each.

The principles are:

1. Eat 5 meals daily.
2. Follow the 5 criteria for each meal.
3. Spend 5 minutes in preparation for each meal, using only 5 ingredients.
4. Workout 25 minutes 5 days a week for 5 weeks.
5. Indulge in a weekly 'cheat' day.

5 'Fat-loss' keys

1. Metabolism — faster metabolism burns more calories, hence less fat.
2. Exercise — stay in the fat-burning zone and build lean muscle.
3. Right calories — consume foods with the right kind and amount of calories.
4. Glycemic Index — low-GI foods keep blood-sugar levels steady.
5. Rest and recovery — promote growth hormone for muscle condition, and reduce cortisol ('stress' hormone).

5 Criteria for each of 5 meals per day

1. Low-fat, quality protein
2. Low-GI carbohydrate
3. Fiber
4. Healthy fat
5. Sugar-free beverage

Sundays are considered a 'cheat day' - eat what you like, while sticking to the 5-meals principle.

Meal Guidelines

Sugar-free cereal with at least 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving, with some fresh fruit like strawberries or blueberries. Use non-fat cottage cheese or sugar-free yogurt in place of cereal for a change.
For something warm, use egg whites as a base for a low-fat omelet, or try the Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal Frittata.
For hot cereal, make some oatmeal and blend in a scoop of whey-protein powder.

Soups & salads, with no-flour bread or tortilla for open sandwiches or wraps, or a rice cake.

Lean chicken/steak/fish for protein, and fibrous, moderate-GI carbs in vegetables like wild rice, squash, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, or cauliflower.

DASH Diet for Weight Reduction

The DASH Diet is a clinical study that has been funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The word DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This clinical study showed that the DASH Diet lowered blood pressure and in some cases may have prevented and controlled high blood pressure.

The DASH Diet is also known as a combination diet. What this means is that people following this diet plan eat a combination of foods most of which are fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products and foods that are low in saturated fats. This diet plan also demands that you eat foods, which are low in cholesterol, high in potassium, calcium and dietary fiber. The DASH Diet is based on the daily intake of 2000 calories, slightly higher than other diet plans.

The DASH Diet demands that you have a certain number of serving from each food group daily. For example, if followed properly, on a daily basis you should have eight servings of grains, four servings of vegetables, five servings of fruit, 3 of dairy products, 2 servings of meat, fish and poultry, one serving of nuts and seeds and finally roughly about two and a half servings of fats and oils. When all of these are combined you should have a total 2000 calories per day.

However, for some people following the DASH Diet may be hard. Some people may not consume 2000 calories per day and might find it hard to do so. The key is to start small and slowing make changes to your daily diet. Do not try to do everything at once. This diet allows you some freedom to create your own meals so take advantage and treat yourself to a combination of pasta and vegetables. Finally, since you need to have at least five servings of fruit a day, use the fruit as snacks in between meals.

Like with any diet, the DASH Diet also requires that you take part in some form of daily exercise. This is combination will help you lower your blood pressure and to lose weight at the same time.

Ten Things You Can Do To Make Any Meal Healthier

We all know weeknights can be stressful, rushed and hectic. You may have every intention of putting a healthy meal on the table, only to be overcome by 'real life'! Don't despair - all is not lost! When your best efforts go awry, and you order pizza or serve another meal that doesn't exactly fit into a healthy diet, you still have many options for making it healthier:

1. Start your meal with a large glass of water.

2. Blot pizza with a napkin or paper towel. This can remove several grams of fat from each slice.

3. Opt for veggie toppings on pizza if possible.

4. Add a bag of salad (but be careful of high-fat dressings and toppings)

5. Try adding dried herbs or other seasonings to your salads to give them a kick without relying solely on the dressing to do this. Eat salad dressings on the side. Use the technique of dipping your fork in the dressing and then adding your salad.

6. Fill half your plate with vegetables, and leave the other half for protein and complex carbs.

7. Sneak vegetables in wherever you can - in casseroles, pasta sauces, pizzas, sandwiches, soups.

8. Try starting your meal with a glass of vegetable juice or vegetable soup.

9. Cut back on bread where you can. Eat thin pizza crust; avoid garlic or cheese bread; limit servings of bread with Italian meals. If you can, opt for whole grains.

10. Eat fresh fruit for dessert, or for an appetizer.

Just like when you fall off your exercise program and the experts tell you to just pick up where you left off, the same can be said for your wish to eat healthier. Make the best of the choices you have, and don't expect to be the perfect eater every day. It's all about making it work with the rest of your life!

Personality Type Diet

Dr Kushner’s Personality Type diet is an innovative approach to weight loss - based on food and behavior.

Determining Your Personality Type

Dr. Kushner remodeled his book into an on-line questionnaire. The survey consists of over 70 questions about your eating habits. The survey results indicate an eating pattern - many of which Dr. Kushner has named (hearty portioner, fruitless feaster, nighttime nibbler, and many more). The program will also determine your exercise personality and coping personality. It is these three elements combined that will contribute to a successful weight loss program.
By combining the results of all three personalities, the Personality Type Diet will craft a program based around your current habits. Weight loss is as much about altering behavior and habits as it is finding a good diet plan.

The Personality Diet creates meal plans using a large selection of healthy foods - as well as fast food options. It is not a restrictive diet but something that includes a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks included in the menus.
Portions and quantities are determined by your own statistics.

Sample Meal Plan

Breakfast (248 calories)
2 whole grain toaster style waffles
2 tbsp reduced-calorie syrup
2 tsp light margarine
2 slices turkey bacon
1 small banana or ½ large
8 oz water

Snack (260 calories)
10 baby carrots
½ red bell pepper, sliced
2 celery stalks
4 tbsp hummus
3 crackers
8 oz water

Lunch (338 calories - Wendy's Fast Food)
Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich
1 small diet soda
1 small peach (pack with you)
16 oz water

Snack (88 calories)
1 cinnamon graham cracker sheet spread with 1 tbsp light cream cheese & topped with ½ C sliced strawberries
8 oz water

Dinner - Salmon and Roasted Vegetables (431 calories)
6 oz baked salmon with fresh squeezed lemon and chopped dill
16 oz water

Squeeze ½ lemon over salmon and sprinkle with fresh dill. Cook salmon in aluminum foil at 350 degrees until fish flakes easily with a fork, about 15 minutes.

Roasted Veggies:
Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Place 5 spears of asparagus, 1 sliced yellow squash & 1 minced garlic clove in the dish and drizzle with 1 tsp olive oil. Bake with salmon, putting veggies in first for about 25-30 minutes or until easily pierced with a knife.

Social Networking

An interesting aspect of the Personality Diet on-line is the social networking component. The program allows matching of "diet buddies" - whereby people of a similar personality can connect with each other.
This process is a very effective part of the program that will aid in motivation and support.

The Personality Type Diet is a superior and proven weight loss plan.

Fruitarian Diet

Fruitarians (or 'fruitarians') are a subgroup of vegans, who are in turn a subgroup of vegetarians most of whom adopt their particular dietary preference for reasons of health, ecological/environmental responsibility, or ethics.

A Vegetarian diet excludes meat and fish, and products derived from, although it can include honey, milk and other dairy products, and eggs.

A Vegan diet goes further by excluding dairy and egg products - only vegetables are eaten.
A Fruitarian (fruitarian) diet goes further again by excluding all parts of all 'vegetables' (that is plants and trees) except the fruit of the plant.

Fruitarian Diet

In a fruitarian diet, the only parts of plants used are the fruit, nuts, seeds and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant. In other words, 'culinary' fruit (apples, oranges, pears etc) and 'botanical' fruit or seed-containing reproductive parts of flowering plants (beans, berries, capsicums, cucumbers, grains, nuts, peas, pumpkins, seeds, squash, tomatoes, and the like), can be eaten, but not carrots, potatoes or spinach etc., which require destruction of the plant.

A true fruitarian believes that removal of a vegetable from its roots (say a potato or a lettuce leaf) injures it, which is against the fruitarian concept of causing no death or injury to anything in order to consume part of it (the tomato and avocado are considered either fruit or vegetable, and thus are exceptions to this rule).

The fruitarian diet may appear to be limited in variety and in nutrition, but nuts of any type provide a protein source, and grains and pasta are suggested for a balanced diet. Eggs may also be eaten if from organically grown chickens.

Negative factors

A fruitarian diet is difficult to follow, and long-term fruitarians can develop health problems, such as:

- Vitamin B12 deficiency - B12 is essential for normal nervous system function and the production of blood cells. The main sources of vitamin B12 are meat, eggs, and dairy products, all absent in the fruitarian diet. B12 is not present in any fruit, and even if found on the fruit's surface due to bacterial action, there will be nothing left after cleaning/preparing the fruit.

- Diabetic or hypoglycemic-type symptoms, due to the high sugar content of the fruitarian diet, which also lacks protein, minerals, and fat-soluble vitamins.

- Eating disorder symptoms - long-term fruitarians are prone to food cravings and consequent binge-eating of either 'allowed' or 'illegal' foods, and often become addicted to dates (for their high sugar content) and avocados (for their high fat content). Some may develop a type of eating disorder for which a name has been coined, "orthorexia nervosa" which has similarities to "anorexia nervosa". Orthorexia nervosa refers to a pathological fixation on eating so-called 'proper' food.

Maintaining nutrient levels
Care should be taken with a fruitarian diet to ensure sufficient consumption of certain nutrients, by identifying and including the appropriate sources of:
-vitamin B12
-vitamin D

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Warrior Diet

This exercise and nutrition program hinges on a somewhat controversial diet based on a daily cycle of "undereating" during the day and "overeating" at night. The rationale is that the historic "warrior", in order to succeed in the environment of the time, had a primal need to cycle between undereating during the day (when physical activity and danger were always present), and overeating at night (when able to rest and eat a good daily meal). Modern humans in a changed environment can therefore restore health and fitness, by returning to that cycle with the Warrior Diet.

Warrior Diet grounding
The nervous system is the primary focus here, specifically that part called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Body organs such as the heart, stomach and intestines (viscera), and muscles within these organs and other areas like blood vessels, skin, and eyes, as well as the glands of the body, are regulated by the ANS. We are mostly unaware of its workings; for example, when blood vessels change size or when our heart beats faster, these functions are involuntary and reflexive in nature.

The undereating phase of the Warrior Diet is supposed to prepare and alert the sympathetic nervous system (which kicks in when emergencies occur, causing stress and requiring us to "fight" or take "flight") to potential stress, resulting in the generation of energy and ultimately the burning of fat. While undereating, the body is forced to use fat storage as a source of fuel for maximum metabolic efficiency - thus promoting weight-loss.

The overeating phase of the Warrior Diet recognizes the role of the parasympathetic nervous system (which operates in normal or no emergency times, allowing us to "rest" and "digest”) in regulating digestion, elimination and other metabolic activities that slow you down. Eating during the day stops this process and blocks the body's ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. Since detoxification is imperative for health and to delay aging, eating occurs mainly at night.

Warrior Diet program
The program involves a
Fat Loss Program and exercise and nutrition regimes.
The Fat Loss program is specifically designed to:

Force the body to detoxify
Improve utilization of fat as fuel
Improve utilization of carb as fuel

This process helps to boost overall metabolic rate, thereby enhancing the body's capacity to maximize fat loss.

Exercise and Nutrition Programs
Exercise and nutrition programs provide short, intense strength and aerobic exercises, along with pre-workout and post-workout meals. This approach intends to reduce fat while maintaining or improving muscle tone.

The emphasis of the Warrior Diet program is on having large evening meals on the one hand, and shedding the "calorie counting" common to most diets on the other.

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Rice Diet

The Rice Diet is the basis for a medically-supervised program designed for rapid weight-loss over a period of 2 to 4 weeks or more, in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and renal disease. The Rice Diet is not like fad diets which come and go, but has developed into a complete, proven and well-respected program for improving health.

Participants in the program have a limited menu selection initially, then choose from a range of items comprising fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, fish, and legumes (beans), varied daily. The name Rice Diet is somewhat confusing (the diet origins being the study of rice as a staple), as more than 30 food items are available.

Sample Menu

Day One: Basic Rice Diet

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: 2 Starches, 2 Fruits

Days Two through Seven: Lacto-Vegetarian Rice Diet

Breakfast: 1 Starch, 1 Non-fat Dairy, 1 Fruit
Lunch and Dinner: 3 Starches, 3 Vegetables, 1 Fruit

Basic rules on serving sizes:

1 Starch = 1 slice bread, 1/3 cup cooked rice or beans, or 1/2 cup cooked pasta
1 Fruit = 1 medium sized fruit, 1/2 banana, or 1 cup cut fruit
1 Vegetable = 1 cup uncooked or 1/2 cup cooked
1 Dairy = 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese.

Low Salt
Salt is restricted in the Rice Diet, since the body swells with salt (sodium) and water. Most people's diet contains approx. 4-7 grams of sodium, yet less than half a gram a day is necessary for normal body function.
Salt is a problem for patients with high blood pressure and kidney failure, and this is true also for most people if present in higher quantities in the diet. Salt stimulates the appetite, whereas herbs and spices simply flavor the food.
Limiting salt reduces several health risks, including cholesterol, blood pressure, heart size and weight, as well as reducing the need to medicate for these problems.

Low Fat
As well as being low-salt, the daily diet contains 5 gm or less of fat, about 20 gm of protein, and not more than 150 mg of sodium

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Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone that assists in regulating both appetite and metabolism. Leptin was discovered in 1994 - therefore research is only very recent.

Leptin levels are generally proportional to body fat, as leptin is released by fat cells. It is thought that many obese people may have developed leptin resistance - whereby the body fails to respond to leptin signals. This begins a cycle where more leptin is produced.

The 5 Rules of Leptin Diet

Never eat after dinner
Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime or go to bed on a full stomach. Allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast. For approximately the first 6-8 hours after eating our evening meal, the body is burning up the calories from that day. The best fat burn zone may occur 8 and 12 hours after eating. Snacking before bedtime (or late meals) means that leptin tells the brain that no energy is required, and thus no fat burning will occur in the night.

Eat 3 meals per day
Allow 5-6 hours between meals with no snacks.
Snacks will stimulate release of insulin - and during this time the body is not burning fat. If it is difficult to consume 3 meals a day, start with 4 per day. In time, with regular exercise, you will be able to leave 5 hours between meals.

Do not eat large meals
Providing the body with more fuel than it needs can lead to both leptin and insulin resistance. Reduce meal sizes by learning to eat slowly and to chew properly. Put the fork down from time to time. This gives your appetite a chance to catch up with your food intake.

Eat a high-protein breakfast
A high-protein breakfast will minimize afternoon energy "crashes". These energy crashes are often the result of eating a breakfast with too many carbohydrates and very little protein. People who are leptin resistant, and eat high carbohydrate breakfasts, are more likely to overeat.

Reduce the amount and glycemic index of carbohydrates eaten
This doesn't imply very low or very restricted carbohydrates. However the amount of starchy carbohydrate should be matched with the same portion of protein. Fibrous vegetables can be eaten in abundance.

Leptin Diet Meal Plan


Whole grain or high fiber cereal 1 cup with soy milk
Berries 1/2 cup
Walnuts 1/4 cup
Whey protein powder 2 scoops in soy milk or mixed with cereal

Four free range eggs
Two pieces sprouted grain bread
Berries 1/2 cup
Walnuts 1/4 cup

Lunch or Dinner

Chicken breast or salmon or lean steak 6 - 8 oz
Whole grain high fiber pasta or slow cook brown rice or 1 cup mixed vegetables
1/2 Avocado
or 1/4 cup nuts
Flax meal 1 tbsp mixed with pasta or rice or vegetables
Olive oil 1 tbsp mixed with pasta or rice or vegetables
Spices - ginger, cumin, turmeric
Berries or grapes 1/2 cup or apple

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No Flour, No Sugar Diet

Foods containing added sugar and refined flour are nutrient-poor, unlike foods containing whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes which are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. The No Flour, No Sugar Diet reduces the so-called 'empty' calories of refined carbohydrate-based foods, also frequently high in fat (such as pizza and donuts).

The No Flour, No Sugar lifestyle encourages selection of foods without significant sugar and refined flour content, based on interpretation of food labels. Exercise is also mentioned (half an hour a day). No counting of calories is suggested.

Sample Meal Plans

Breakfast: Omelet muffin, fresh strawberries
Morning Snack: Diced cantaloupe
Lunch: Greek salad
Afternoon: No-sugar-added yogurt
Dinner: Chicken breasts in Rosemary-Dijon sauce, spinach salad with tomato vinaigrette, steamed brown rice

Breakfast: Whole-grain cereal (with no flour or added sugar), nonfat milk, fresh peach
Morning Snack: Diced pineapple
Lunch: Green salad with water-packed tuna, sliced tomato, shredded carrot, and no-sugar-added vinaigrette
Afternoon: Spiced Edamame (Soy beans in the pod)
Dinner: Meatballs in tomoto sauce and baked polenta with fresh corn

Breakfast: Basic Crepe filled with sliced lean ham and reduced-fat cheese; sliced apple
Morning Snack: 1 stalk celery fille with reduced-fat, no-sugar-added peanut butter
Lunch: Taco salad with spiced prawns
Afternoon: Spiced Edamame
Dinner: Curry yogurt chicken, steamed or sautéed zucchini, steamed brown rice

Most people who eliminate from their diet foods containing refined flour and sugar will lose weight. A No Flour, No Sugar Diet works, especially if part of a healthy lifestyle.

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Fat Smash Diet

The principle behind the name is that you achieve your weight-loss goals by smashing bad habits and misconceptions about diet. The diet follows a 90 day program in 4 phases - detox, foundation, construction, and the temple.

The Fat Smash Diet lays out your plan over 90 days for developing healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, to promote fat loss and maintain a healthy weight.

Phase 1 - Detox (9 days)

Diet is essentially vegetarian - mainly fruits and vegetables (raw or steamed/grilled) to absorb natural nutrients, vitamins and minerals in 4 or 5 small daily portions, 3 hours apart, with plenty of water - plus daily exercise (30 minutes cardiovascular exercise 5 days a week, or a walk after dinner for up to 25 minutes).
This phase rids the body of toxins and impurities, developing a good basis for the following phases.

Helpful product during this phase Green Tea Detox Foot Patches

Phase 2 - Foundation (3 weeks)

Additional foods are allowed from a given list (lean meat/seafood, selected cereals and extra dairy), and physical activity is increased by up to 15%. The eating regimen of phase 1 is maintained (strictly no meals to be skipped) including plenty of fruit and vegetables, and fried foods are a 'no-no'.
This phase establishes good eating and exercise habits for a healthy ongoing lifestyle.

Phase 3 - Construction (4 weeks)

Yet more additional foods are allowed from a given list (such as pasta and bread), portion sizes may be increased maintaining plenty of fruit and vegetables as before, with at least 4 daily meals stipulated. 1 non-fruit dessert per day is permitted (1 scoop low fat ice cream or 2-3 cookies or graham crackers) and physical activity is again increased by up to 25%.
This phase builds the diet plan up from the earlier 'toning-down' phases.

Phase 4 - The Temple (remainder of the 90 days)

Most foods previously denied may now be included in limited quantities, and physical activity set at 1 hour for each of 5 days weekly.
This phase is to maintain the 'temple' of your body, in which your lifestyle achieves a balance for maintaining your desired body weight.

If your goal weight has not been reached by the end of the 90 days, phase 1 may be repeated.

This is a simple diet program, manageable and by all accounts helpful.

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Elimination Diets

Elimination or allergy diets are used to isolate food allergies or food sensitivity. A food allergy describes an immune system response, while food intolerance is an adverse reaction to food (unrelated to the immune system).

There are a number of medical symptoms that may be related to food; candida, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, asthma, eczema, migraines, unexplained rashes, and lactose intolerance.

Using Elimination Diets
The basic elimination diet first removes all potential food allergens from the diet, and then re-introduces these foods one at a time. This process should always be undertaken in consultation with your physician.

When undertaken an elimination diet, it is advisable to keep a food journal, and log all food items and amounts as accurately as possible - along with any symptoms experienced. This can help to isolate food allergies or intolerances.

Basic Elimination Plan
Eliminate the following foods from the diet for a period of 7 days to a month:

-Dairy products, including cheese. (Instead, use soy milk and soy cheese; rice milk, rice-based ice cream.)

-Egg and egg-containing products.

-Food products containing gluten, such as wheat and wheat-based products (including pasta), and barley, oat or rye grains. (Alternative grains could be brown rice, buckwheat, spelt, millet, potatoes or sweet potatoes).

-Citrus fruits.

-Corn and corn-containing products.

-All processed foods, including caffeine.
Note that suddenly stopping some foods (such as caffeine) can result in withdrawal symptoms (typically headaches) - however this should only last a few days.

Next, reintroduce one food group to your diet roughly every 5 days.

The reintroduction period allows sufficient time to determine any intolerance.

Other Elimination Diets

This drastic elimination diet involves fasting for the first 5 days, taking nothing but bottled spring water. This kind of elimination diet should be reserved for only the most difficult cases.
Do not try this fasting approach without first consulting your doctor.

Lamb-and-Pears Elimination Diet
As the name suggests, this diet involves only eating lamb and pears. The diet is sometimes modified to a turkey and pears, or turkey, rice and pears). This diet is also for only the more severe cases.

Few-Foods Elimination Diet
The next step up is the few-foods or rare-foods elimination diet plan. This involves eating a dozen or so foods that the patient eats only rarely.

The Rare-Food Elimination Diet
This is an extension of the few-foods idea, except that instead of eating uncommonly- eaten foods the patient is asked to eat exotic items (e.g. yams, buckwheat).

The Regular Elimination Diet
This is the typical form of elimination diet where most fruits, vegetables, fish and meats are allowed, but wheat and other cereals, milk, eggs, and other common offending foods are eliminated. This type of elimination diet is often the most helpful.

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Anti-Aging Diet & Calorie Restriction

Calorie Restriction is the process of limiting caloric intake with the intention of slowing down aging. Some people refer to the concept as an anti aging diet. Research into Calorie Restriction has continued for many years - concluding that the lifespan of many animals is extended when calorie intake is restricted.

The difficulty of Calorie Restriction is that sufficient nutrition (vitamins and minerals) must be maintained while lowering energy intake as much as possible.

Calorie Restricted Meal Plan
A Calorie Restricted diet must be slowly adopted. Losing more than 1 pound of weight per week is not recommended. This plan comprises 1700-1800 calories - but this should vary depending on age, weight, and exercise.


1 cup (5oz, 145g) Non-fat cottage cheese 120 calories

23 nuts (1oz, 28g) Almonds, raw 160 calories

1 cup (5oz, 150g) Strawberries (or other berries) 50 calories

Nutrition Snack (e.g. one granola bar) 200 calories
530 total calories


5oz (140g) Chicken breast, skinless, boiled, baked or roasted 230 calories

½ cup (80g) Broccoli (steamed, boiled, or raw) 25 calories

½ cup (60g) Cauliflower (steamed, boiled, or raw) 15 calories

1 tbsp Olive oil (extra virgin) 120 calories

½ tsp Herbs and Spices 5 calories

1 medium Orange 65 calories
460 total calories

Cook chicken (or other protein) as desired or use canned variety. Add to plate with broccoli and cauliflower. Add olive oil and herbs and spices. Have orange for dessert.


1 cup non-fat yogurt 120 calories

6 nuts (1/2 oz, 14g) macadamia nuts 100 calories
220 total calories


2 cups Green, leafy salad (may include lettuce, cabbage, spinach) 20 calories

¼ fillet (3oz, 90g) Salmon, canned low-salt or fresh-baked 185 calories

7oz (200g) Sweet potato, baked 180 calories

1 tbsp Olive oil 120 calories

½ tsp Herbs and Spices 5 calories

1 tbsp Vinegar 5 calories
515 total calories

Sprinkle vinegar and ½ tbsp olive oil and ½ herbs and spices over salad. Sprinkle ¼ tbsp olive oil and remaining herbs over fish. Sprinkle remaining olive oil over sweet potato (have this for dessert).

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Lemonade Diet (The Master Cleanser)

The lemonade diet is a detoxification program written by the Stanley Burroughs. The diet - called the "The Master Cleanser" was written in the 1940s and continues to be popular to this day.

This dietary regime is strictly a cleansing diet. Weight loss will occur, but it is not to be equated with fat loss. Much of the weight that is lost will be from fluid and water retention. Without a doubt, at least 1/2 the weight will come back on after completing the diet. Many people incorrectly use this for fast weight loss. This is not what the diet is intended for.

Detox diets such as the lemonade diet are not for the faint-hearted. They are difficult to follow. People experience varying degrees of success as their body begins to flush itself of toxins - but the first few days are hardest. Some only use the lemonade diet for 4-5 days, while others take it out to 2 weeks.

People report an enormous number of health benefits - relief of arthritic symptoms, infections, pain, gout, and many more.

A typical herbal detox will do the following:
- Dissolves and eliminates toxins that have formed in any part of the body
- Cleanse kidneys and digestive system
- Purifies the glands and cells
- Eliminate waste and hardened material in joints and muscles
- Relieves pressure and irritation in nerves, arteries and blood vessels

Lemonade Diet Sample
- 60 oz spring water per day (spread over 6 10 oz glasses)
- 12 tablespoons Ogranic Grade B Maple Syrup(or 2 tbsp. per glass)
- 12 tablespoons freshly squeezed organic lemon juice (or 2 tbsp. per glass)
- a little over half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (or 1/10 tsp. per glass) or to taste

The only other foods consumed are a laxative tea twice a day and a saline (sea salt) wash. The laxative may be required due to the lack of fiber in the diet that may lead to constipation.

Breaking the Fast
This must be done gently, by easing your way back into solid food. Vegetable soup is a good starter, and fruits and vegetables shouldn't be started until the second day out of the juice fast.

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Raw Food Diets

There are a number of diet plan based on raw foods. Generally these diets are plant-based, and are comprised of at least 75% raw food. Apparently raw foods contain the enzymes that are thought to be removed during the cooking process.

A Raw Food diet is generally made up fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and grains, dried fruit and juices, rolled or flaked grains, herbs and spices. Some people add cooked grains and legumes, good quality fish and poultry (although a number "raw food-ers" are strict vegans).

Sample Meal Plan

Fresh fruit salad topped with chopped fresh almonds, wheat germ, and pumpkin seeds; organic sheep's milk yogurt or coconut cream.

Mixed salad of various leaves, tomatoes, yellow capsicums, onions and parsley with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, topped with sprouted lentils.

Raw mixed vegetable soup (blended); home-made sunflower seed cheese; 1/2 avocado; raspberry and banana sorbet.

Drinks allowed
Water, juices, fruit smoothies, coconut milk.

Weight loss is almost a certainty on this diet, due to its vast differences to the conventional Western diet. Calorie and carbohydrate intake are reduced leading to weight loss. It is hard to overeat on a diet due to the high water and fiber content - another reason why weight loss may occur.

This diet can be very challenging to follow, particularly from a social and shopping perspective. However cooking time can be reduced!

Protein can be low unless appropriate levels of legumes, nuts, and seeds are eaten.

Generally, this is a good diet, but potentially difficult to sustain. Proponents of the diet claim the diet has anti-aging properties.

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